Alison Baggett Creative Design

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5 Content Ideas for Art Studio Owners

As an Art Studio owner in my past life I always tried to have different types of content for my audience whether that be on social media, my email list, etc. When we have classes that we want to advertise, we don't want to feel like we're just constantly on an event calendar on our social media platforms. Today I want to give you 5 different ways to put content out there that is not just advertising a class. We are going to talk about using upcoming classes as part of that content, but I want you to think outside of just your classes and what you're teaching in your studio or in your online classes. 

With these five topics of content you're going to be able to expand your social media posts and Reels beyond just these ideas. What I really want you to think about is how you can take these topics and use them in a variety of ways that will allow you to plan out 1 month, 2 months, 3 months at a time so that you're not constantly having to come up with what to post on the fly.

Let's Jump Right In and get into what our content ideas are!

No. 1 - The obvious is going to be upcoming classes. If you are teaching other students how to create art they have to know what is available for them at your studio. This can come in a variety of ways from posting a calendar that you have created for your studio, or it could be something as simple as you creating on your social media platforms and talking about that upcoming class, so that they can see first, how you teach, two, what kind of projects they're going to be making, and three, that they're capable of doing this. When you give people an insight into what they will be making, they have a much higher level of confidence in their abilities. I don't know about you but when I had my studio one of the things that I heard the most from customers that would come into a class for the first time was "I can't even draw a stick figure,” or “I can't draw a straight line."  It always amused me when people would say this because most of the time I had things either drawn out for them or it was a really simple step by step and I could walk them through exactly what to do. In the end they were going to end up with a beautiful piece of art that they made with their own hands. However, if I did not advertise the fact that this is a piece that anyone of any skill level could do, then my customers didn't know that coming into it. So as the teacher, as the studio owner, it is our job to help people understand that there is no barrier that will keep them from being able to do what you're offering classes for.

So now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's move on to our other topics of content for your studio. The next one I want you to think about can be done in a variety of ways. This could be a workshop for your Facebook group, or it can be turned into Reels or TikToks, or it could be a simple step by step carousel, but I want you to think about ways that you can show videos to your audience on how-to techniques. With this you are giving people actionable steps to be able to grow in their creativity, and you are giving them that boost of confidence like we talked about in the previous idea. This is going to help grow your audience as well as bring people who are local into your studio. Think about things that you teach in your classes that you would expect your students to possibly know already, but they don't. These are the types of things that you can add into your social media content that will help your audience grow their trust in you, and it's going to help your likeability because they're going to see that you are capable of teaching them what they don't know.

The third one doesn't require you to really do any speaking if you don't want to. In this type of content all I need you to do is set a camera up and video you creating a piece of art from start to finish. You can do this as a timelapse and it will allow your audience members to see what your abilities are, but also to just be entertained for a little while.  I don't know about you but I thoroughly enjoy watching videos of people completing something from start to finish. Whether it is a home DIY project, or making a meal, or even creating art, there is something about watching someone do something from start to finish that is super satisfying to my mind. Your audience is going to be the same way. They want to see how you as an artist work, which will translate into how well you can teach them.

This next one is a little bit out of the box per se, and it doesn't necessarily have to do with your classes or what you're offering at your studio, but it can connect and relate those things to your audience. What I want you to do is educate your audience on how art can change them. This could be how creating art could change their confidence, how they can grow in their skills, and how making and creating art can change their lives if they sell their art. It also could come from a standpoint of having art in your home. Teaching your audience how to hang art, how to display art, how to choose art that's going to go in their home is going to bring about a sense of understanding that they might not have had before. Think about the diagrams that you see on Pinterest and in other places where you can see what size art to choose for a place over your sofa or over your bed or how to arrange art on a shelf or bookshelf. Those types of things are going to be outside of your classroom experience, but they are going to help your audience understand art a little better.

The last one that we're going to talk about today is using things that you use on a regular basis that are your favorites. Now this is a concept or an idea that you can expand to as many posts as you would like. This can be something that you are planning to use in a class and you can talk about why it's your favorite to use in this class.Maybe you are learning something new and want to show them your process of learning new things. This is going to help you gain that trust with your audience because they're going to be able to see that you are not an expert at everything the first time you try it. It is going to boost their confidence as they come into your class and learn a new technique or learn how to do something for the first time with you. So I want you to think about all of the tools and your favorite medium that you use, as well as what is something that you are learning right now? Put those things to use when you are creating content.

So now that you have some ideas I want you to get out your calendar, figure out when you are going to create this content, and get a plan together so that you can get more content out there without stressing over what to post.

Let me know in the comments what posts you are going to try this week.